Dearest Little One,
Today is Christmas Day 2006. We opened gifts last night and your mommy and daddy opened many books for you and a big ole bear your Diva calls ( Eh? or as I call him A). I saw this bear months ago and had to have him for you.
I bought the sweater for him gets cold in Canada. He is very soft and has a sweet funny face. I like his soft fat tummy and big black nose. At first he may be bigger than you are but that will quickly change. As you can see he is guarding a box of blocks.....he's already working for you. He may be trying to sneak a sip of gingerale from your dad so you may need to watch him when he's by himself.
Your momma has already let me feel your kicks. You are getting bigger and stronger and soon we will be able to hold you and see your sweet face. I'm sure your Poppa already has plans about taking your picture sitting under the Christmas tree like he did with your sweet momma on her first Christmas. Rest well my darling angel and know that my dreams are sweet because of you.
Dearest Babykins,
Yes, I'm actually here in Canada and I've been talking to your momma's tummy so you will know that your Diva loves you and know my voice. Your poppa is here too and has been making repairs around the house.
Today we took you shopping for your nursery. It was so much fun to see all the baby clothes, and baby items. It won't be long till I can hold you and have a face to face conversation. Your momma bought a basket holder for you. It will hold your bed and will also rock you to sleep . Your daddy and poppa put it together tonight and after much convincing we finally got a picture of your parents by your new bed.
It is so much fun seeing you. I bought you your first Christmas ornament and one for your mom. We will be washing your clothes and setting up you bedroom soon.
You are definitely making your presence known. We love you and are so anxious to see your sweet face. Rest well my darling and let your momma get some rest too.
Dearest Baby Dumpling,
Today is a Thursday and I'm sitting in front of my computer with my bunny slippers on thinking and praying for you.
I've been looking at pictures of your momma's ever increasing belly and marveling at how much you are growing and developing. Your mom tells me that you are late night kicker (possibly practicing your kong fu moves with your daddy or maybe you are more the soccer type.)
Your mom was quite the kicker too. I thought she would either be a ballerina or a soccer player. She did turn out to be an awesome soccer player and the first female teenage soccer ref (but that's another story for another day!)
Your are quite remarkable already. Your momma and daddy think about you, plan for your arrival and dream dreams about your future. Even your Papa brought home a toy for you today that I'm sure we will be storing for many years till you are old enough to enjoy it. Your Diva has picked out clothes, sleepers, books and toys for you too.
I'm sure you know your momma's soothing voice by now and she has exposed you to the Dixie Chicks in concert. I bet you'll know all of their songs before you are 5. (Uncle Andy swears he was the only 17 year old boy to know all the lyrics to "Dancing Queen".)
My days are full of thoughts of you. We are marking off the days till we can hold you in our arms. (I might have to wrestle your momma though....You'll like her, she's a bit over protective, very socially conscious, passionate personality and totally in love with you.)
Hugs and prayers today and always.......Your Diva
Good Grief Charlie's your Poppa!
Dear Baby Bear....Here is your Poppa in the Pumpkin Patch by our home. This particular pumpkin is called a "Cheese Pumpkin" because it looks light orange like a wheel of cheese.
Poppa is wearing a flannel shirt and I think he looks like "The Brawny Man" from the commercials.
This is your Diva's favorite time of year.
I talked with you momma today and you are definitely making your presence knows. Be nice to your momma....she really works hard and she loves you so very much.
Hmmmm.....I'm getting hungry for pumpkin bread, muffins, pies, or for that matter pumpkin everything.
Dearest Wee One,
Every Monday I post a "Monday Memory" on my other blog. Usually they are family stories or stories of your diva as a child. This week I posted a story about your momma. Your Momma was the most wonderful baby ever born (or at least we thought so ). We were instantly captivated by her. She was our greatest accomplishment and we watched her with breathless anticipation. Your Poppa and I had been a small part of helping God create a living breathing miracle.
Like most nervous new parents we let her sleep in a bassinet right next to our bed for fear we might not hear her in the middle of the night! At first she would only squeak a little as she would wake for a feeding. As she grew bigger and stronger so did her cries. Soon we were able to distinguish the hungry "feed me cries" from the the "I need to be changed cries".
As our confidence grew, so did she. Soon she had a lusty mad cry that signaled " You'd better take care of me NOW or else!" She was very good at training us to meet her needs. For the most part she was an easy baby to raise and we complimented each other for our extraordinary "parenting" ability.
So, we were not prepared for our child's noiseless cry. We were in a large district church conference and our 8 month old creeper was in the nursery with lots of other preachers kids. The nursery was small and there were lots of babies. The main assembly had just gotten out and mother's were on their way to pick up their offspring.
As I entered the nursery I noticed that your momma was playing on the floor. I also noticed that her mouth was wide open in terror, tears were pouring out of her eyes and yet there was no noise coming out of her mouth. Her face was beet red, and her eyes were bulging.
I also noticed that there was another mom gathering her child's diaper bag and standing on my baby's hand.
My maternal instinct took over and faster than a charging NFL linesmen I pushed the offending mother off your momma's hand ( and nearly through the opposite wall.). I grabbed my
noiselessly screaming baby and blew in her face. It caused her to catch her breath and then the loudest, most ear-splitting noise erupted from her that caused everyone (even the very angry offending mom) to stop dead in their tracks and pay attention to what had just occurred.
Your Momma began wailing and so did I. (Both of us were inconsolable.) Fortunately another mother had also viewed the incident and was explaining the situation to the astonished nursery attendant , the offending mother and to your Poppa who was wondering why his mild mannered wife had become a raving charging lunatic.
Needless to say that was the last time your momma was in that nursery. Nothing was broken or bruised (including the other mother) but I felt like the world's worst mom.
Moms and Divas hate to see their children hurt, or scared. It was a horrible experience for both of us that day.
Dear Doodle Bug,
at your Diva's attempt to be creative. I hope you will always know
that you are my darling and I am so blessed to have you in my life. You
are our very first grandchild.
You are the one that made me a Diva. We will have many adventures and lots of fun together.
that you have been loved and prayed for every day of your life. I can
hardly wait to hold you in my arms and get a proper introduction. Love
you to the Moon and back again.
Your Diva
Dearest Dumpling,
Thanksgiving (Canadian) is less than a week away. It won't be long till your mom is breaking out the pine cone turkeys and when you are older you Diva is expecting to see one of these from you.
It's a turkey made from your handprint and footprints. Ask your momma dearest (she's very crafty at these kind of things!)
Guess what Diva and Papa are thankful for this year? That's right Beloved.....You! Diva has been waiting for you for a very long time (and not very patiently I should add!)
You are the glue that makes two very different hearts a family. Your arrival will turn a head-strong grrrl and a hermit boy into a Mommy and a Daddy. Your arrival will turn this silver hair old lady into a dazzling Diva and a hard working missionary into a proud Papa.
Yes you.....even now you are making an impact on your world. We are all in breathless anticipation of your arrival.
Keep strong, keep growing, be blessed,
Dear Sweetie Pie....Allow me to introduce Diva's Kitties.
We live in a small house (The Nest) in the country. Because it is an older house we occasionally have field mice that like to come into the house and take up residency in the fall and winter time.
The first year I saw one of the little critters your Diva let out a blood curdling scream that even your Papa could hear. I demanded that he get me a cat for Christmas. So we began to look for kittens.
We finally found a litter of kittens that had been born in September and were looking for a good home. Poppa picked out the orange marmalade one as he had already caught a mouse at 3 months old. "That's my boy", said Poppa and we took home "Buster". There are times that we still call him Buster (especially if he has been naughty....Papa will say, "Look here Buster, we don't do that in this house!").
Diva named him JJ. We used to have an orange marmalade cat named "Joey" so JJ is short for "Joey Jr." JJ was just a little ball of fluff when we brought him home.
Diva's Dog Spot.....did not like JJ and was always growling and acting mad. Your Aunt Suzy and I decided that it would be nice for JJ to have a playmate (since Spot was old and grumpy) and Diva really liked the small grey tabby cat (JJ's sister).
Papa wasn't convinced that we needed two kitties. He finally consented and we were able to bring home Lucy Grey. It was a good decision as they have known each other all their life. They play together, box each other, trap together, jump on each other, cuddle up together to sleep, and are the best of friends.
As babies, the kitties would climb into the Christmas tree and sleep on the branches. They both like to cuddle....(especially JJ) . Your momma enjoyed playing with them the first Christmas we got them.
Both are inside Kitties and don't have front claws. JJ will like you instantly. Lucy will like you especially if your Poppa is holding you. Lucy Grey adores Poppa!
I'm sure you will love Diva's kitties as much as they will love you.
Dearest Babykins.....What day of the week will you be born? There is a old rhyme that talks about the day of the week . I've included the verse so you can look at it.
Can you tell from the picture which day your Momma was born? If you said, Wednesday then you are right. According to the rhyme "Wednesday's Child is full of woe." Your momma is no quitter though. She may have cried some times but she quickly found a way to solve the problem. ( Your Mom is one clever lady!)
Monday's child is fair of face,Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child must work for a living,But the child that's born on the Sabbath dayIs fair and wise and good and gay.
Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that your Diva was born on a Saturday...."Saturday's child works hard for a living."....sigh, I've got my fingers crossed for you babykins...hope your mom hold out for a Friday!
Dear pumpkin,
It's fall here in Virginia and the weather is cooler. Your Diva adores fall as much as she adores you. My front porch is covered with bronze, yellow,and maroon mums and today I bought a pot of my favorite daisy mums. I also bought a small pumpkin.
It's small and cute, just like you!
The leaves are just starting to change color and its time to bring down the quilts from the attic as the nights are cooler.
Your Poppa and I have been canning produce from our garden. It has been a very long time since I last did any canning. We had a bummer crop of tomatoes and peppers so Diva made some home made Salsa. It's hotter than I normally like so I bet your momma will like it.
We also made grape jelly from the grapes on the grape arbor. Papa worked really hard to get rid of the Japanese Beetles that invaded it last year. I was delightfully surprised at what good jelly they make. It is hard work however and seems to be a two person job.
Poppa brought home a juicer which made it much easier. For a while Diva was afraid that we were going to have to paint the kitchen purple. (Did you know that Grape juice stains? Trust me it does, so do your mommy a favor and be very careful with your sippy cup when you get one ok?)
We made two batches of jelly last night and will probably make one more batch from our grapes this year. Silly Uncle Andy told me he wants Strawberry Jelly. Diva told him that was fine but we didn't grow any strawberries in our garden. (Hmmm.....I noticed that the strawberry fields down the road have already put in their plants for next spring. Maybe I'll talk to Poppa about putting in strawberries?)
It's a good thing that I'm your Diva or else your Poppa would be calling me your "Grape Grandma!" When you are old enough to have peanut butter and jelly I will make sure you get some of Diva's Divine Grape Jelly for your sandwich.
Love you more than all the good things about fall.
Your Diva
Grandchildren don't make a man feel old; it's the knowledge
that he's married to a grandmother. ~G. Norman Collie
Dearest Wee One,
This is one of your Diva's favorite picture. It was taken at your momma and daddy's wedding reception and the little girl is your cousin Jenna.
I love this picture because your parents positively glow in their love for one another and your cousin Jenna reminded me of you.....(boy or girl....just my future grandchild.) The fuzzy effect makes me think of future events.
I picture you as having laughing brown eyes like your mom and brown hair like your dad. I can see you as being bright eyed and clever. (Of course you're clever, look who picked out to be your parents!) I can picture you so vividly in my mind's eye and can hardly wait to hold you, kiss your little head, and breath a prayer of thanksgiving over you.
Keep growing, keep safe, be blessed.
Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild.
~Welsh Proverb
Dearest Babykins,
Did you know that your Diva has gone into training just to be part of your life?This old bird is exercising, walking two and three miles a day and even eating healthy.
I'm losing weight and working at getting some extra energy so I can keep up with you. What a good influence you are and you haven't even made your appearance known yet!
Poppa is in the best physical shape of his life from lifting boxes. He is very strong too!
Take it easy on your mom.....she needs her rest.
Love ya loads.....Diva
Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you're just
a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric. ~Pam Brown
Dear Baby Dumpling,
Your momma just received a "care package" of items that pregnant mommies crave and can't seem to find. Some of the items were food items, (granola bars, wintergreen tic tacs, fried apples) and several were "pretty panties" from Victoria Secrets. ( I'll tell you her secrets later, I promise!)
Not only did your momma receive pretty panties....she was also able to find "Seat covers" for you too. She was so excited to find cloth diapers for your cute little baby bottom. When your mommy was a baby the cloth diapers we had were long rectangles that you folded different ways and pinned together. ( No one told me that there were different ways to fold them depending if you had a boy or girl...believe me it makes a difference!)
When your mom was old enough to "potty train" we told her that Big Girls got to wear "pretty panties". She was so proud to wear pretty ruffles on her panties.
We lived in a small town in Montana and there was no nursery. There was no bathroom at the church either so everyone would use the bathroom in our house. One Sunday your momma had "to go potty" and an older lady in the church( Aredale Cisco) took her for me. She commented on how pretty her big girl panties were.....your mom was very confused as I had told her that was one of the advantages of using the potty. Without batting an eye she looked at her and said, "Don't you wear pretty panties?
"Well, yes, I do" she replied, "But not as pretty as yours!"
What was the first thing your momma announced to the whole church after coming from the bathroom?....."Momma, Mrs. Cisco doesn't wear big girl panties!"
Mrs. Cisco never volunteered to help again!
Dear Cookie.....(That's because you're the sweetest thing around!)
By now you are probably thinking poor Diva. She doesn't know my name. Your darling Diva has "pet names " for everyone and you will have so many.
Don't be surprised if you get the name of "Cookie Monster" as we are a cookie loving family. When we were dating your Poppa told me, "If you can bake a decent chocolate chip cookie and give a good back rub, I'll marry you!" Silly man had no idea that I was the world's best back rubber and cookie maker! He soon learned and asked me to marry him about a month after we first met. (You see, your Poppa knows a good thing when he sees it!)
Your Uncle Andy loves to have his back rubbed and will pull up his shirt and say, "Woman, start rubbing" when he sees me. Uncle Andy loves Oatmeal Scotchies.....(he doesn't share cookies or pizza well, so don't be offended.)
I make a mean oatmeal cookie with cinnamon chips too! You and I will have to experiment and come up with some new cookies. How bout sugar gummy worm cookies? Hmmm....I'll have to do some more thinking on that.
Dearest Pookie,
It did occur to me that some where along the line you will be asking...."How come I've got a Diva instead of a grandma?"
Simple answer: You were very lucky sweetie!
Maybe you will have friends that call their grandmother by a different name. Some of my friends call themselves "Granny," "Nana", "Meme", "Nanny", "Oma", "Nan", "Gram", "Grandma", and one even calls herself "Honey Gram."
According to the dicitionary a Diva is a female opera singer. ( No, that's not me unless you happen to hear me singing in the shower.)
A Diva is a person who controls what is going on in her environment and most especially her inner circle. Your Diva is bigger than life and the stories I can tell you kiddo! I'm hoping to be someone really special in your life. I want an active part in your life. I want to sweep you away on excursions, bake cookies with you, make up stories and corny jokes, have play dough in my hair, play with trucks, climb trees and kiss away your boo-boos.
A Diva is a Star and I'm prepared to be the "twinkle factor in your life".
Know that I'm your biggest fan and best defender, and no one will ever love you more (maybe as much but definitely never more) . Your Diva
Dearest future soccer player, (your mom says you kick her frequently!)
You will have many uncles in your life...(since your dad has 3 brothers!) None of them will be more fun than your uncle Andy.
Uncle Andy is your momma's baby brother. She was almost 4 years old when he was born. When your mom was about 10 she got very angry at me because I didn't have any babies for her to take care of. Your mom has always been a "baby" kind of grrrl.
She has always taken care of her brother and sister (even when they didn't want her to!). I remember your mom putting baby Andy in the baby swing to keep him from crying when he was only a few weeks old. Since he could not sit up by himself we would put pillows around him to prop him up and to keep him from falling through the leg holes of the swing. It was hard for me to do, much less a 4 year old child. I was downstairs at the time and did not see her do this. When she told me, "Brother was crying so I put him in the swing." I went running upstairs thinking he would be upside down or would be sliding out of the swing any moment. Imagine how delighted I was to see him sitting perfectly content swinging in the baby swing with pillows around him in just the right places.
Uncle Andy loves sports and likes coaching soccer. He adores video games (but don't beat him as he hates to lose) he loves pizza and every Sunday night is pizza night. He loves Reese's peanut butter cups (but doesn't like chocolate, so go figure?). He loves the Disney character "Goofy" and has always loved "Superman" and the superheroes. He has a crazy sense of humor (very much like mine) has a developed a love for "Tea" with Tipolo Honey . He is a charmer and a head turner. I don't think he knows any strangers! He is good looking and a good dresser. He can create great games and will give you "Mets" clothing and hats. He can be very sentimental and he will be your uncle "fun".
Don't be surprised if he already has a Mets hat for you as well as sports equipment.
Dearest Baby Cakes.....(Yes, it's another nick name for you.) Let me introduce you to your Poppa. (Isn't he cute?) Your Diva thinks so....and has thought so for the last 33 years.
Like most grandfathers he may appear to be gruff and grumpy. Actually he is pure marshmallow and an ole softie! Your momma figured that out right away.
He is a really smart man and loves to tinker in his basement with tools and electronics. He does not like to be defeated by a problem so will keep working on a solution for a long time.
Poppa has a "droll" sense of humor. You have to be pretty smart to understand why he thinks the situation is funny. Fortunately your momma will explain why Poppa is laughing as they share that same trait.
Poppa loves to teach and explain. (Warning: Poppa talks in letters and numbers that have meaning only to him. Diva has found that the best way to handle this situation is to smile and nod like you understand. It makes him happy, he will rub your head and tell you how smart you are! Trust me on this!)
Poppa loves to read. He knows a little about a lot. (Note: take all your "Why?" questions to Poppa.) However you need to know that if for some reason he does not know the answer he will make one up. ( no, not really lying, just an interesting story to see if you will believe's a game he likes to play.)
Your Poppa is strong and you will be always be safe and protected in his arms. He will cry when you are born and the first time he sees your little face he will be instantly in love with you. Don't be surprised if he tells you the story about how your momma slept under his handkerchief when she was a baby. It's one of his favorite stories.
No one will love you like your Poppa Charlie. He has been praying for you ever since we knew you were on the way. He has lots of wisdom and can make anything go. He already has plans in his head about building you a fort or a playhouse. You will be blessed to have him in your life, loving you and cheering you on.
Dearest Little One,
I thought I would tell you something about your Auntie Suzy. She's your momma's younger sister and as different from your mom as any two sisters can be. You'll really like her. She knows the best songs and books because she is a children's librarian. She'll have to teach you the "popcorn" song ( it stays in your head forever!).
Your Auntie Suzy loves to travel and knows the very best places to investigate. When she came to visit your momma and daddy the very first time, she had a list of things she wanted to see.....One was a Mountie! As you can see, Auntie Suzy always gets her man (just ask Uncle Tim!)
Auntie Suzy loves Halloween and makes costumes for herself, Uncle Tim, and her big rolly poly cats Pan and Juno. You'll meet the kitties, especially if you like to crawl under the bed (Juno likes to hide under their bed, especially when Diva comes to visit.)
Juno has a little pink nose......but when her nose is red WATCH OUT! That means she is one mad cat! I think Auntie Suzy should write a children's book about her funny cats. What do you think?
Oh my darling baby....the world is full of delightful surprises and so many people that are anxious to be part of your life. Do know you will be loved and cherished.
Dearest Little One,
Your Diva and your Poppa waited all day to hear about your first picture. What a good looking baby you are! You are growing and maturing. Your parents were very glad to see your face and know everything is developing normally.
You are a very modest baby, however, so we still do not know if you are a boy or a girl. Your parents think you are a girl. If so, you can pretty well bet that you will be your Daddy's Little Princess and the delight of your momma heart. ( Here's some hints on how to handle your parents.....look pleading and adoringly at your daddy, and give you mom a logical argument.)
If you are a big bad boy then the same advice hold true only in reverse. You will definitely be "your Momma's Boy" and the delight of your Daddy. ( Hints on handling the folks still apply.....look pleading and adoringly at your momma and give your dad a logical argument.)
Know that you are loved and prayed for on a daily basis. We are anxiously awaiting your arrival and we are already truly, madly, deeply in love with you. Diva loves "surprise packages" , Auntie Suzy knows lots of stories and songs, Uncle Andy will keep you laughing and your Poppa (though he may look gruff ) will melt like a marshmallow at one of your smiles.
Why Daisy is Looking forward to being a Granny Diva
- I adore my kids and can hardly wait to spoil their offspring.
- Babies are such fun and when they cry you can give them back to their momma's.
- I love to buy toys and books.
- They make Christmas so much more fun.
- They have the cutest clothes.
- It's an opportunity to see your child as an caring adult.
- I can use some of the acquired knowledge I gained while raising their parent.
- I can break out the apron and bake cookies again.
- I can watch all the kid TV I want and say, "The baby was watching it!"
- Babies think you can do you do!
- I can read some great children's book like "Is Your Momma a Llama?"
- Babies are so trusting and their laughter is contagious.
- What could be better than a little hand curled around your finger?
One more day till we get to " peek under the blanket" and see if you will be a boy or a girl....regardless you'll always be your Diva's darling.
They say that every time a baby is born, a grandmother is born too. I've been waiting my whole life for you and it may be a good thing that we don't live close by you. If we did you would certainly have chapped cheeks from all the kisses I would give you.
When your momma was born your Poppa was so proud. He called all our relatives to announce her presence. He taped recorded their responses so I could hear them. We will have to look for that will laugh and laugh when you hear it.
Speaking of blankets...... your mom was born in February and because Poppa and I are from the south, practically all of her baby gifts were blankets. Every time a package would come your Poppa would say, "It's another blanket!" Sure enough, he was right. I guess people thought that we were crazy to live in such a cold climate. We had enough blankets to share with other babies and enough for your Auntie Suzy and Uncle Andy too.
You need to know my poppet, that boy or girl you will always be wrapped in our blanket of love. Looking forward to your big news. Your Diva
Dearest Sweet Pea.....(Yes, it's another nickname your Diva will be calling you!)
Just two more days till we know if you are a boy or a girl.
What a wonderful world we live in to be able to take a picture of you in your mommy's tummy. Your momma was a "surprise" package. We did not know she was a girl till she arrived.
Diva was thinking pink and hoping for a little girl.
I wanted my first child to be a girl because there were no granddaughters in my family. My parents had two grandsons (Steve and Phil) but no little girls to tickle and love. My Dad (your great grandfather) had secretly told me after his second grandson was born, "I guess I'll have to wait till you get married to have my girls!"
Did you know that naming a baby is really hard work?
Diva and Papa used to watch a popular TV program called "The Waltons". It was a show about a family with 7 children. Several of the children had double names such as "John Boy" and "Jim-Bob". We were being silly one day and decided that if your momma was a boy we could name her "William Wallace" and call her "Willy Wally".
My Dad's name was Wallace and your Poppa's Dad's name was John so had your mom been a boy we had decided her name would be "John Wallace" in honor of both grandfathers.
Rebecca was a name that both your Poppa and Diva could agree on. The only Becky's we knew were people we liked, so the name had pleasant memories associated with it. I thought the name "Becky Bennetch" was the most beautiful name in the world. We wanted her name to be distinguished so we used the Biblical spelling of Rebekah.
Your momma's middle name is Joanne.
Your Papa was a school teacher when Diva met him. He was shy and awkward. He taught Physical Science and Drafting at Norfolk Christian Academy. He was befriended and mentored by a lovely lady named Jo Branning (who was a single mom raising two boys). Jo had a wonderful mind, was the head of the science department, and was always good for a free meal. So part of your momma's name is in honor of Jo Branning.
The "Anne" part of your momma's name is in honor of your Papa's dear sister Auntie Anne. Your Papa and his sister are very much alike and he deeply loves and adores her. So your Papa came up with your momma's middle name and named her after two very brilliant independent, women he admired, in hopes, she would have some of their zeal and spirit. (Boy, did he get that one right!)
I know your mommy and daddy have been thinking about your name for a long time. It will be a special name for a special baby.
I love you.....your Diva
Dearest Little One,
By now you probably know that you had a "nickname". Your mommy and daddy call you Shnodda Nas ( meaning little "snot nose") which is a term of endearment for a small child.
But did you know that your mommy had a " nickname name" too. Her pre-birth name was "Bozo", Bozo Bennetch!
Bozo the clown was a cartoon character that your Diva and Papa watched when we were children. Bozo had big feet and your mommy was always kicking me letting me know she was ready to come out and play.
When your Diva first met your great-grandmother, "Marne" she looked at me and said, "I've always wanted grandchildren with red hair." (Yes, Diva dyed her hair even back then and the dye always gave me red highlights!) So calling your mommy Bozo was a special way of preserving Marne's memory of having red haired grandchildren.
However, your mommy had very little hair(and it wasn't red) when she was born! Your Diva used to put a small tab of corn syrup on her head and stick a matching bow so people would know she was a girl. Even when we dressed her in frills, and ruffles someone would say, "Fine looking boy you've got there!"
Your mommy was born in a farming and ranching community. Apparently, farmers give their female pigs extra iodine so the little piglets will have fine red hair all over them when they are born in early spring. The extra hair helps to keep the piglets warm.
When the farmers saw her bald head they used to shake their head and tell me...."You needed more iodine in your diet!"
Look at your mommy's hair now. Isn't it gorgeous and long? It will make great handles to pull when you want her attention.....Just a thought.
I love you! Your Diva
Hello, my darling little one. I started this blog to let you know how excited your Poppa and I are to welcome you into the family.
I am your momma's momma also known as your darling grannies here! You have been long-awaited and prayed for in advance.
Your mom told us of your arrival on Mother's Day.....she called to wish me "Happy Grandmother's Day!" I told her she was mean, as that is news I have always wanted to hear and I really thought she was teasing me. When I found out that you were indeed on your way you could hear me scream all the way to Canada.
We were visiting your Auntie Suzy and Uncle Tim (hmmm.....that's the first time I've ever used those names before....) in New York. Your Auntie Suzy had just graduated with her Master's degree in Library Science and Technology and we had gone to her graduation. We were all together when we heard the news (even your Uncle Andy). We were all excited and happy but your mommy made us promise not to tell anyone until she was sure about her new job.
Do you know how hard it is for your Diva not to say anything about your arrival? Uncle Andy immediately put the news of his "uncle-ship" on the internet. Imagine how surprised I was to get a phone call from my very best friend (Miss Sue) asking who was your momma?
Her daughter had read Uncle Andy's blog on My Space and everyone thought that Auntie Suzy was going to be your momma. I was so surprised to be asked about your arrival that I didn't know what to say other than "How do you know about our baby?"
Finally, in July, you're mommy told me I could tell all my blog friends so the first post on this new blog was how I announced your arrival.
This is a very big week for your Poppa and I as we are anxious to hear if you are a boy or a girl.
We have already bought you some toys and books and can hardly wait to see you in person.
Always know that you are a special baby......and that we love you very very much.
It's About Time!
Guess who is going to be a granny DIVA?
If you said me....give yourself 5 points. I actually was told the news on Mother's Day. How exciting is that? Our very first grandbaby!!
I told my girls they'd better hurry up and get started before I lost all my grandmother Diva skills. Guess I'd better start practicing baking my famous chocolate chip cookies to sharpen my skill set.
Our Canadian daughter and son-in-law are the proud parents of this little miracle coming late January of 07.
So you can bet this granny Diva is saving her pennies to attend the big event. Mr. Wonderful is excited also and says he's never slept with a granny Diva before.
We love you little one and are so excited to have you in our life.
Your Poppa and Diva