Saturday, May 21, 2011

Strawberry picking

Dear Emma,

Can you guess what we did today? Finally, we got to go Strawberry picking in the fields near Diva's and Poppa's house. The fields were still pretty muddy. I know my shoe got sucked off my foot while walking out to pick. You were very good at picking the big red berries and very good at eating them too. It didn't take us very long to pick two big flats of juicy red berries. Can you imagine what good things your Momma will make with these berries? My mouth is already starting to water just thinking about it.

I love this picture of you enjoying the sweet red strawberry. I'm so glad we were able to go picking with you and your sweet Momma. We would have been very disappointed if we hadn't been able to pick berries.

Look what your Momma made for breakfast when we got back home.
Yep, strawberry pancakes with extra berries and whipped cream. Yum! What a special treat!

It took us quite a while to wash the berries and put them in the refrigerator. We will take some back to Auntie Suzy (she loves strawberries almost as much as you do!) Won't she be surprised!

Now to make some strawberry pie!

What fun to have you and your Momma here at the Nest.

Looking forward to spending the day with you.

We love you Berry much!

Diva and Poppa

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