Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our first Diva Camp

Dearest Emma,

You probably don't know this but all my life I've wanted to be able to keep all my grandchildren for a week of "Diva Camp." This is our first Diva Camp with your cousin Oscar and Baby Charlie. You and your momma flew to New York from Canada in a big airplane. Your daddy had to work so he was at home missing you.

Your Auntie Suzy and your momma went out to lunch together. They rarely get any sister time so Poppa and I held our first Diva Camp. Oscar loves cars and trains and most anything with wheels.

You both played with cars on Auntie Suzy's dining table while baby Charlie watched and tried to chew on the toy cars. I was so proud of you as you shared toys and helped with Baby Charlie. You were very gentle with Charlie and made him laugh.

Poppa and I love that you are kind to smaller children. You make them feel loved and special. We are so proud of you . Thank you for helping make our very first Diva Camp a fun day for all of us.

Love and Kisses,

Your Diva

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