Friday, May 20, 2011

New Bird Bath Bowl

Dear Emma,
 One of the things Diva likes to do is to sit at my desk and watch the birds at the birdbath and at the feeders.
 JJ and Lucy love to sit on my desk and watch the birds too. Poppa calls it Cat TV. I especially like the red birds (Cardinals) and the tiny little Finch. 

 Poppa and I got tickled at you whenever you see a Robin you always say, "Look Diva, there's an American Robin". Do you have Canadian Robins?

Today we went to the hardware store to replace Diva's birdbath. The water freezes in the winter and the bowl cracked in two. I was very happy to know the hardware store sells the bowl part of the birdbath. It is made out of concrete so was really heavy.

 Poppa got a cart to put it in to take out to the car and bought me a really pretty red geranium. I love this picture of you and Poppa.

 You are such a good helper. I call this "Princess Power". Thank you for helping me take care of our neighborhood birds. Looking forward to going berry picking tomorrow. Love and kisses, Diva and Poppa

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