Friday, May 20, 2011

Fun Friday

Dear Emma, Today is day 4 and is picture day. One thing that Diva really loves is to take a yearly picture with you and your momma and daddy.  You are growing up so quickly and changing so rapidly.

 Today we are going to see Miss Vanessa who takes amazing pictures at our local Walmart. Your Momma has you in a very pretty dress with a beautiful daisy headband. Poppa has on a bright red shirt to contrast with the pink blouse I'm wearing. Your beautiful Momma has on a white blouse, now all we need is your handsome Daddy to make the picture complete. 

 Thank you for the beautiful smile on your face and for cooperating so nicely to take the pictures. I know you got tired and I want you to know how much I love seeing these pictures when I can't be with you. Always know that Diva and Poppa love you dearly and pray blessings over you every day. You are an extraordinary young lady and constantly amaze us.

You bring us such joy. we love you so very much. Your Poppa and Diva 
Your personal cheerleaders!

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