Thursday, January 04, 2007

Got ya baby bug!

13 ways to be a Fantastic a Granny Diva
  1. Always carry lots of pictures. Don't wait until the baby is born, start with the ultra sound images and go all the way through graduation.
  2. Listen intently to other people talk about their grandchild. This is not as easy as it sounds.
  3. Select a proper grandma name that 1) you like, 2) the child can pronounce and 3) will not be embarrassing when it is shouted loudly in the grocery store.
  4. Ask God to bless your grandchildren and pray for them every day.
  5. When your grandchild is fussy or behaves poorly, always have a good excuse.
  6. My favorite excuse is "The poor little doll is just so tired. And you would be too if you had been hauled around all day. Another good excuse is" "The poor little angel is cutting teeth!" These two are good but you need a good spare or two for really tough times.
  7. You will want to have special nicknames for them as they grow, but continue to call them by their name. We all like to hear the sound of our own names.
  8. When something gets broken at your house, remind yourself and your grandchild that people are more important than things.
  9. Get a bigger purse-a small suitcase will do also-so that you can always pull out a new toy, candy or distraction of some kind at just the right moment.
  10. Think back on your own grandmothers and try now to realize just how much they loved you. At the time you had no idea of their deep love because it is unexplainable. You must experience it for yourself.
  11. Have Grandma Camp one week every summer. Plan cookouts, crafts, sports, and all the things kids love. For the following week schedule a massage, plenty of bed rest, and post a sign that the kitchen is closed until further notice.
  12. Never miss a chance to tell them you love them. The days are short and years pass quickly. What a better way for them to remember you than, "She always told me how much she loved me."
  13. Give a "Grandmother Shower" for your friends who are new to the club. Bring baby things for the the new grandmother to keep at her house.

1 comment:

Lauralea said...


You, my friend, are already an AMAZING Grandma. That child is so blessed. The love you have for your kids and for their kids (we'll hope they have more than one!) just oozes off the screen and blesses me too. Makes my eyes get watery. Bless you.