Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Costumes

Dearest Emma Bug,

It's Halloween and you have been blessed with crazy relatives that like dressing up in costumes.  I miss you so much, especially during happy times and celebrations.  Your precious Moma is so good to send us pictures since we can't be there.  Just thought you might enjoy a look back at Halloween 2010.  Can't wait to see you.

Mr. Wonderful as "Home Boy" and me as "The Bearded Lady"

Suzy (7 months pregnant) decided to use her baby bump to her advantage and dressed as the galaxy. Tim made the planets on her sleeves. Suzy dressed Tim as Galileo (since he discovered the Milky Way!

Uncle Andy and sweetheart Rachel went as the famous picture of the sailor and nurse kissing at Times Square when World War II came to an end. They were only too glad to reenact the famous scene for onlookers.

Oscar went as Handy Manny. I put the cartoon character so you can see how realistic his outfit is. Handy Manny is Oscar's favorite program.

I love Emma's Costume as Jessie from Toy Story 3. It reminds me of my 4th Birthday when I got a cowgirl hat, toy guns and a holster
( cause I wanted to be Dale Evans, Queen of the Cowgirls.)
I love this pictures of Becky and Emma together! Aren't they the cutest?

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