Monday, January 07, 2008

Reading With Diva

Dearest Emma,

It won't be long till you have your first birthday. You have grown so quickly and have learned so many new skills. What a clever girl you are. I could hardly believe that you were crawling the last time I saw you. I loved hearing you laughing and giggling while you made your way to my waiting arms.

I miss reading to you. Your momma tells me that you enjoy books and I am so glad to hear that. There are so many wonderful books to share with you. I hope you will enjoy some of the books that your momma enjoyed when she was a baby. I know she has a copy of "Baby's Birthday!" I read that book so often to your mom that I still have it memorized. I wonder what will be your favorite book.

Your Poppa and I miss you and love looking at your pictures and telling each other our favorite Emma stories. Know that you are a special little girl and we love you with our whole hearts.

Your Poppa and Diva

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