Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Look how you have grown!

Dearest Emma Bug,

What a difference a few months can make. Look at you sitting up all by yourself so independent and so clever. You know that your Diva loves your little overalls too (they remind me of another little grrrl ....you sweet Mommy.)

Of course both your Poppy and I become big piles of goo whenever we see your sweet smiles and your face light up whenever you see us. We are so happy to be able to spend 10 whole days with you and your parents. I promise to spoil you and give you lots of kisses. We'll sing songs, read books, and tickle you too.

We love you so much, and what fun we will have! Hope you are all rested up because we want to squeeze a lot of Emma time in while we are here.....We have lots of memories to create in a short time so don't be surprised if we hug you a little longer and take more pictures of you than necessary. Just indulge us.....we're first time grandparents and don't know any better.

Love you sooooo much,

1 comment:

Sassyfrazz said...

She is a little dolly! Won't it be fun at Christmas with her? :)