Monday, May 28, 2007

Diva meets Darling

Dearest Emma.....At last we have you in our arms . We were so excited to see you and your very tired parents at the Richmond Airport at 11p.m. It had been a hard day for all of you and I was so afraid you would take one look at me and start screaming for your Momma.

I wouldn't have blamed you and I had already made up a number of excuses to explain away your behavior but to my great surprise and delight you let me hold you. You seemed to think Diva's wheel chair made a great rolling stroller . You rewarded us with some toothless grins and we were totally captured and captivated by you.

I was surprised at how blond your hair is, your pictures make you look like a redhead. I love your azure blue eyes and your smile that could light up a city block. You are such a big girl. I adore your little chubby cheeks and your giggles could make a statue smile.

You have a definite personality already. We found you to be enchanting as well as equipped with a fine set of lungs and definite likes and dislikes. Watching you jump in your jolly jumper has become one of my greatest joys and holding you in my arms is the best medicine ever.

Watching you sleep, is like a whispered prayer. I've been waiting for you all my life and just didn't know it. Watching you grow and experience new things this next three weeks will be so much fun for us. I know you will not remember this visit but your Poppa and I will never forget the "first time we saw your face!"

All my love my darling Emma girl!

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